We regret that our building is not easily accessible for those in wheelchairs and with mobility issues. We are seeking to address this and are currently requesting permissions from the Diocese of London for alterations that will improve access and facilities.
We have a temporary ramp that can be put in place to help wheelchairs into the building.
We are sorry we don't currently have an accessible toilet.
Please visit the Westminster City Council website for more information about parking for white/blue badge holders: https://www.westminster.gov.uk/where-you-can-park-disabled-badge
Guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs are welcome at any of our meetings.
An infrared hearing support system is available, with both neck loop receivers for use with a hearing aid and stethoset receivers. Please ask someone on the welcome team for assistance before the service.
If you have any questions about accessibility at CCM or have particular needs when visiting us, please get in touch with the church office.